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the idea lab


a different kind of forum


Want to step up your game? Be inspired again? Take your business and life to new heights?

Then come to the next Idea Lab.


The Idea Lab isn't another run-of-the-mill seminar with the usual powerpoint presentation and impersonal systems.


No, no, no... it is a place where new ideas are hatched, creative thinking is fostered and courage is born. It is a collaborative, interactive gathering of like minds.


The evening is filled with down-to-earth practical tips and productive strategies. Straight thinking. Straight talk. Designed to maximize your potential.


The take away isn't the course work. It is your renewed sense of self and purpose.


And its free.


These are challenging times, but exciting opportunities are there for the taking - if you know how to access them, have the right services/products and how best to market them.


They say that "experience is the best teacher." That's true.


I'm entrepreneurial by nature, with an extensive business background (textile manufacturing, chain store retailing, international import/exporting and corporate consulting) I'll share with you what I have learned and experienced and show you how you can:


  • Staand out from your competition
  • Increase your revenue stream
  • Restore a sense of balance to your life.


Sound interesting?




Watch for upcoming workshops or contact drew@drewsimmie.com.