
September 24, 2018

Real Personal Leadership

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou.


In these crazy, distracting times, when so much seems totally out of whack, when fake news is given unwarranted currency, when leadership at all levels is so often wanting, keeping ourselves straight and focused on what is meaningful in our lives demands real personal leadership.

Personal leadership is all about being real, authentic; being open to others and receptive to ideas different from ours. It is about staying committed through thick and thin and having the courage to do the right things, rather than doing things right.

Real leaders take responsibility for themselves. They are absolutely clear about their path. They lead with constant self-awareness, passion and grace.

They are good at giving encouragement and they are never satisfied. They are constantly raising the stakes of the game for themselves and others, always testing, building stamina and sustainable enterprises.

Real leaders embrace change and foster creativity. They organize and cultivate conversation among different people that wouldn’t ordinarily talk with each other and they see the kinds of patterns that allow for innovation.

Real leadership, as it is often said, is like good art. We can’t always describe exactly what it is but we know it when we see it.

And we certainly need it. Like right now.

Are you in transition? Want to step up your game but don’t know how? Would you like Drew to speak to your group? Text/call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow him on Twitter.

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