
December 31, 2017

Hello 2018

Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right. Oprah Winfrey.


Leave it to Oprah to put an optimistic spin on it.

Optimism isn’t always fashionable, I know. Particularly this past year. Cynicism is endemic. If we were to believe what we read on our screens and in print, the times are truly challenging, to say the least.

But Oprah isn’t alone. In spite of the cynics and pessimists, there are good things going on all around us and much for which we can be thankful.

There are countless people, quietly doing their best everyday for themselves and others, refusing to give into exclusiveness, greed and selfishness.

They make an active choice to stand up what for they believe in and continue to work towards a better world.

Not blindly, but rather with a hard-earned optimism, they embrace the new year and celebrate another chance to get it right.

In that vein, I wish you a happy New Year… and all the best in 2018.

And those new plans you have in mind? There isn’t a better time . Go for it!

Need some street-savvy marketing assistance with those new plans? We could talk. Like me to speak to your group? I am easily reachable. Text/call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

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