
November 17, 2018

Celebrating My Daughter

All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he, she (Italics mine) grows up. Pablo Picasso.


I couldn’t help but think about this quote, attributed to Picasso, when I found Allyson’s email in my inbox announcing her 20th. anniversary in business.

It takes a long time to build a business and a special combination of skills and character to pull it off successfully; to not fall for the applause nor lose sight of our humanity and the child within us and get up every morning, resolved to keep on doing good work.

Her bio and her work says it all.

Kudos Allyson and congrats.


Artist Statement

The reward is in the act of observing. Stone colours, textures, the shape of leaves, the ebb and flow of the sea, the changing seasons – all of these things continue to inspire my work. A gesture of thanks and appreciation.

At first it was a technical challenge – to really learn to see the natural world and to develop techniques to capture a sense of it in metal. But as time has passed I am now realizing another purpose: Connection. People connecting to place, places connected to each other, and our shared connection to the world around us.

“The moon casts 3 shadows, you know.”

One of my students said that to me almost 20 years ago. I am still thinking about it.

Shoreline Ring


This ring was inspired by the ocean’s timeless shaping of our coastline. The Shoreline Ring features the islands, trees and rocky shore of Mahone Bay, on Nova Scotia’s scenic South Shore.

View the Complete Shoreline Ring Collection

Fall Show Schedule:

Would love to hear from you. For more information email me or visit my website.

Allyson Simmie

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