
January 15, 2017

Be a Good Listener

To say that a person feels listened to means a lot more than that their ideas get heard. It makes people feel valued. Deborah Tannen.


There are few needs of the human heart that are greater than the need to be heard, to be understood and respected for whom we are, to have someone actually hear what we are saying.

Too often, though, in our state of perpetual busyness and in a rush to make our view known, many engage in a conversation without hearing what the other person is saying.

Have you ever found yourself in an encounter when you are already preparing a response to the point that the other person is trying to express even before they have finished speaking? I know i have.

You are nodding, smiling, but not really hearing. You are in too much of a hurry, too invested in your own position to even hear their’s.

It is only when you consciously slow down and the other person realizes that you are listening, sincerely paying attention to what they have to say, that real communication begins.

Have you made a conscious decision to improve your performance and live up to your full potential? Learn how at my 3RDAGEWorkshop. Need help moving on to what’s next and would like to work with me? Let’s chat. Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com.

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