
October 29th, 2019

The Future You See For Yourself

The future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the important thing is not to allow that to scare you. Tennessee Williams.


Have you found your interest in what you are doing wavering? Are you bored to death with the familiar and the status quo? You know…. been there, done that. Now what?

You are not alone. The winds of change are blowing up a storm. Everything has changed. Nothing appears to be what it used to be and, in this challenging environment, yesterday’s victories have no currency. Could it be that you have stopped growing?

If you would like things to stay as they are, you are going to have to make some changes and start growing again. And that means being willing to let go of the familiar.

Letting go of the familiar is never easy and sometimes inconvenient, but it is the only way to grow.

You’ve come this far. There is no reason why you can’t go on to what’s next. It isn’t enough to have learned something. Knowledge is of no value unless you put what you have learned into it into practice – and do the most good with it – that counts.

Life is a high-wire act. It can be scary and there are no guarantees.

So, as you begin another week, if you have been doing some serious thinking about your life and where you are on your journey, here’s a question for you:

Is what you are doing today moving you towards or away from the future you see for yourself?

Need to grow some more and get going? Let’s chat about it. I’ll show you how. Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

October 21st, 2019

It’s Hell In The Hallways!

The roller coaster is my life; life is a fast, dizzying game, life is a parachute jump; it’s taking chances, falling over and getting up again; it’s mountaineering; it’s wanting to get to very top of yourself and to feel angry and dissatisfied when you don’t manage. Paulo Coelho.


Life goes on… and it is too short and too precious to wake up with regret and misgivings. If there is something sticking to your soul, stick with it.

Love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don’t. Don’t listen to the cynics, the doubters and nay sayers. Fly with the eagles. Not with the ducks.  Be with the fearless ones, not with the nervous nellies.

Everything happens for a reason. Accept and learn from the lessons that life teaches you everyday and just keep on trucking. Nobody said that life is easy. They just promised that if you took control of your life and did what you thought you were here to do, it would be worth it.

What they didn’t say was that it takes a lifetime to build a life.

And what else they didn’t tell you is that as you move along, as one door closes behind you, another will open up…. but there will be times when it’s hell in the hallways!

Need to grow some more and get going? Let’s chat about it. I’ll show you how. Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

October 14th, 2019

In or Out.


The roller coaster is my life; life is a fast, dizzying game; life is a parachute jump: it’s taking chances, falling over and getting up again; it’s mountaineering, it’s wanting to the very top of yourself and to feel angry and dissatisfied when you don’t manage. Paulo Coelho. 

Along life’s path, at one time or another, for any number of reasons, we all face barriers, challenges and fears of one kind or another. Today, of course, Covid-19 has brought everything to halt, forced each of us to examine our lives and what we’re doing with the time we have been given.

Many of are looking for new ways to improve their current situation and step up their performance. Others, unhappy with their current prospects, find themselves forced into transition, searching for another path forward.

Change is the new currency.  

We’re in an era where the winners are coming from the ranks of those willing to creatively step out in front of the crowd.

To continue to grow your current business or start out in a different direction, in the Covid-19 pandemic, you’ve got to be open to change and be absolutely clear about who you are what you’re all about.

But whatever is next, as you continue to press forward, if you’re up for it, the future is there for the taking.

You are either in or you are out.

October 7th, 2019

Be Your Best

You say I am a dreamer but I’m not the only one. John Lennon.


It’s hard to hold on to a dream. Especially at this moment in time, when society appears to be fracturing into two camps. At every turn demagoguery, disruption and division have raised their ugly heads. Falsehoods, fake news and free wheeling greed are endemic.

One camp is sure that we are all going to hell in a hand basket. Just keep your head down, they say, and take all you can get now, while the getting is good,

The other camp says no, no no….. the future is bright, if only we’re open to change, open to others, open to facts and innovation. New, as yet unimagined, opportunities lie just up ahead for those imbued with creativity, willing to take risks and emboldened with hope.

The old fears the new. The haves don’t want to share with the have not’s and they certainly don’t want things to change. Change never happens until someone puts up their hand and yells STOP! Enough is enough.

It has always been thus. The believers, that small, creative minority has always been responsible for improving humankind’s lot. People like you.

No good work of any consequence in any field of endeavour, has ever come without vision, courage, constant hard work and belief in oneself.

If you’ve been struggling to bring your dream to a reality, no matter how far out the horizon, take heart. Sure, the road is sometimes bumpy and the journey is always longer than you thought. Life goes like that. Take a deep breath. Take action. Action results in accomplishment and rewards.

You know what to do. Do more of what’s right.

But here’s the thing: There’s a catch. In order to ‘have,’ you must ‘do’ and in order to ‘do’ you first must ‘be.’

So… be your best. The rest will look after itself.

Are you stymied? Get growing and get going again! I’ll show you how. Let’s chat. Make the first, all-important move. Text/call me 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com. Follow me on Twitter.

For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.