
June 11th, 2017

Change = Growth.


One of hardest things to do is to change. To those who are afraid of change, it is threatening because they think things might get worse. To those who hold out hope, it is encouraging because things might get better. To those more confident, change is inspiring because they know it can it open the doors on to new opportunities.

To change is to let go of old ideas that are no longer current, outdated methodologies and the old stories we have been told by parents, friends, work associates and society at large. As comfortable and familiar as they are, they are other people’s stories, based on their views and experiences. Not yours. They all have to go if you are serious about changing.

As challenging as it is, if you are stuck, you can’t move on until you let go of the familiar.

Changes leads to growth.

Navigating your future. In these changing times, is your current plan the right one? Is a recalibration in the cards? Like to discuss it? Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

June 8th, 2017

Working Safe Won’t Cut It.

Almost always the creative, dedicated minority has made the world better. Martin Luther King.

If you are still competing with the crowd, trying to look like everyone else or trotting out old ideas that clearly aren’t working for you anymore, maybe it’s time to rethink your proposition.

Here are three critical questions to consider:

  • Who, specifically, are you trying to reach?
  • What story are you telling them?
  • What do you have to do to reach them?

We’re in an era where the winners are coming from the ranks of those willing to step out in front of the crowd. To grow your enterprise or advance your career in today’s hard scrabble environment, you’ve got to be open to change, absolutely clear about who are and work smarter.

What you don’t want is to work safe. That’s not good enough.

Navigating your future. In these changing times, is your current plan the right one? Is a recalibration in the cards? Like to discuss it? Text/Call 416.450.8867 or email drew@drewsimmie.com

June 4th, 2017

The Only Real Edge You Have Is You


Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment. Thomas Carlyle.

The challenges of the New Year just keep on coming. It’s for sure going to be daunting, but whether you are resolved to step up your current game or start a new one, here’s a check list that will help you get through the storm. The items on this list aren’t new or original but they will play a big role in your success:

 1.   Get fit – eat healthy, exercise right and get enough sleep.
2.   Show more kindness and respect. It’s not just about you.
3.   Choose to be positive. Don’t listen to the pessimists.
4.   Keep social media in perspective. Each day only has 24 hours.
5.   Search out and cultivate new opportunities. Continually.
6.   Fend off thoughts about the past.  It’s today that counts.
7.   Be the best at what you do.

Which ever is the case, occasionally remind yourself that the only edge that separates you from the rest of the field is YOU.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay connected.

I hope to see you back here again soon.


For more information, rates, or to set up a meeting:
Email drew@drewsimmie.com or call direct 416.450.8867.